Forum Discussion

Sully2's avatar
Sep 21, 2015

Servicing waste gate valves ( Greay and black water valves)

I THINK I should have the gate valves replaced on my CC Allure. One seems like it wants to stick on me.

It SEEMS to me since I can see the bolts that hold them in that a guy can loosen them...pull the existing valves out....insert the new valve and button it all back up again.

Dealer says no way ( His $$ an hours "tech" says it cant happen).. He says they needs to get in the guts and loosen a tank to have room to work. ??? That simply removing the existing valves wont give them the room they need to work.

I says its BS
What say you people that may have replaced your own?
  • Sully, if your tanks are like my buddies 98 CC, then it is more difficult than most. The Black tank discharge faces the rear and the gray tank discharge faces the front, with a "T" between the 2 valves. Those that haven't seen how your tanks are laid out don't understand how difficult it looks.
    On appearance the dealer is right. But! I managed to pry the black tank, with a 2x4, enough to get the valves separated. If the dealer was a little creative, it's a 30 minute job to change both valves. Think KISS

  • 1. Yes, sometimes there is enough play to remove the valves.
    2. NO, sometimes there is NOT enough play to easily remove the valves. You have to take extra things loose to get enough play to remove and install the valves without destroying or pinching the new gaskets. Nothing worse than attempting to work around lack of clearance and when done you find either the valve leaks or the valve will not open and close because you pinched the new gaskets.
  • Replaced one of mine a few years back. Pretty simple but I can see and easily get to both valves and all the hardware. Removed the bolts, slide the gate out, slide the new one in and tighten the bolts up. 10 minutes tops not counting draining the tank.
  • It is exactly as it appears to be. I have done the replacement. I dump the tank(s) and then tilt the coach toward the opposite side to eliminate any possible of dripping. There does need to be a bit of room for one of the 2 pipe connections to move but only slightly. Just take your time and replace the entire fitting with new gaskets as well. It all comes out and the identical parts go back in. It's really pretty simple. Here I will say, "In most cases" just to keep the flamers at bay.
  • Your dealer is full of the same stuff that's in your black tank. The job is easy to do and there's enough play in the lines to remove the old valve and replace it. Do one at a time.
  • My black one drips. I removed the four bolts and thought I was just going to pull out the blade. No way I put it back together and was thinking of getting This.