Roadtrekker2 wrote:
To daveydd:
As I said in a former post, I would be sure that there is no one waiting for me to do this procedure - dump in the morning when no one is around waiting. My husband always had a terrible time getting the last stuff out of the hose - milk, milk, milk to get it all out so the cotter pin could be engaged, and I certainly don't want to do that (especially with a knee replacement) - it always took a long time with the stinky slinky, plus it was really messy. If all else fails, I can do this at home in my basement, but I hope to do some traveling, so need an economical way to dump my tanks. This is a reasonable solution.
Maybe what you don't understand is you have to make the exact same connection with a Sewer Solution to the 3" diameter outlet low down exactly as you would to connect a slinky hose. Then you would have to figure out how to get water to it. Most public dump stations have cutoff end hoses that hang down. To get to the connection that you can connect your own hose to you might need a ladder since so many are the hang down type with a cutoff end. I'm not concerned about waiting in line. As soon as you start to dump several others will be backed up behind you. Can you do it all in 5 minutes as with a slinky? Doubtful. Those are the people you will P off. Like I said, it is good for a full hook up campsite or at home as you desire but not at a public dump station.