Forum Discussion

badams52's avatar
Sep 29, 2013

Shower Dome Roof Leak

My 2006 Gulfstream Independence developed a leak around the shower dome, causing a soft spot about a foot from the doom at the edge.

Can I pull up the fiberglass Roof on the edge and repair/replace panel underneath without replacing the entire roof?

Bruce Adams
  • sowego, has the right idea, do the work from inside the coach.. On the roof, find the leak and use either dicor roof sealant or eternabond to stop the leakin
  • The easiest way to begin assessment is to remove the inner part of the dome above the shower which will allow you to see the structure between the two dome shells (the wood beams, etc.). Usually attached with about 4 to 6 screws. You may find wet &/or rotted wood and it might show you exactly where the leak is. If it is still wet, leave the inner part of the dome off to air dry. Until you see what's up there you won't know how much of a job it will be. Most sure after any repairs are made the outer dome is sealed very well. Good luck!
  • The soft spot is approx. one foot from the dome, toward the edge of the roof. this is a fiberglass roof and don't know how this roof is applied. I was thinking of unscrewing the edge, pulling up he roof if possible, replace the damage and glue the roof back down.

    Is this possible?
  • Shower dome... Take it off and re seal or put eternabond tape around it unless it's cracked then replace the whole dome you should be able to remove the wood under the fiberglass at least a few inches
  • In the bathroom, the shower has a plastic bubble so taller people can stand up without hitting their heads. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  • Your probably can take a good look and if you can get to the bad wood, go to a marine store and get the filler material such as "git rot" or similar. Here is a link to how it is used in boating industry for the do it yourself guy.