If it was me (which it isn't) I would skip the fiberglass cloth unless you've done fiberglass work before. Getting good adhesion and a smooth job is not so easy. Also the likely hood is the shower pan is chopped sprayed which is hard to work with and the last thing you want is to make the crack any worst.
Now back to me. I would get that two part putty (they make different types, look for one that would make sense for your application) for about 5-8 dollars, lightly rough up the surface around the crack about 3/4 inch wide, dry well with a hair dryer, mix the putty and force it into the crack and along the roughed up area. Smooth with my thumb to make a good looking (but ugly) job. Once dry cover it up with a nice $10 bath mat.
Now I would still us the spray foam. When I picked up the putty at the big box store I would pick up maybe two cans for $4 each. Make sure it is the expanding type of foam. If you've never used it before then I would suggest doing just one spot about 6 inches round with it under the pan and plywood. Give it about 4 hours and see what you got and how much it expanded. With that knowledge use the rest of the foam as you see fit to stiffen the underside of the shower pan.
By the way, that foam can expand a lot and even crack the shower pan if you're overly generous with it. That's also the reason for a small test spot first.