BobandShaz wrote:
Desert Captain wrote:
Hmmm, "Shrinking the truth", isn't that just a new way to say "Lying". :h
See also:
ra*tion*al*ize: To develop self - satisfying but incorrect reasons for (one's behavior)
After all, everyone knows those darned pesky rules are just for "other people".
In some sites you can get away with it and for many others there are serious valid reasons why you should not try. Just because you don't understand a CG rule is no excuse to ignore it.
I have seen access roads obstructed by rigs and or toads hanging out from their site. Folks can just drive off the road a little to get by right? Unfortunately those large bulky emergency response vehicles (fire trucks, paramedics etc), who are responding to a heart attack at O'dark thirty might not be so fortunate.
IMHO: If you own a rig that is "X" number of feet, you bought it, so enjoy all of the amenities it comes with along with the restrictions dictated by its actual size.
As always.... Opinions and YMMV. :C
TRUE very true
I can agree that there neds to be adequate access and not hanging out over the road, but lets not make this a moral issue. I usually stick to facts but I have a small coach, but I can tell you I have put my unit in a 30' space called a 24' site. Common sense and communication with the park will prevail here.