Well don't take kens post as gospel. You have a 20 year old Winne? If so, odds are you have a HWH slide system. If so, the cause of a slide pooching out, is a internal leak at the extend or retract solenoid. Each slide room has a dedicated extend and retract solenoid. IF you have HWH, then go to the solenoids and manually open the T handles on the solenoids and operate the slides in and out for about 30 seconds. With the solenoids OPEN, the room will not move much. You just want to flush any possible debris out of the solenoid needle valves. This works about 50% of the time. The other 50% you have to replace the solenoids that are leaking internally. IF you have HWH jacks, then odds are on a 20 year old Winne you have HWH slide rooms. Doug