Forum Discussion

allbrandauto's avatar
Oct 08, 2015

slide out

whats best to lube slide out tracks and jack screew
  • JimFromJersey wrote:
    Yeah, that WD-40 product is basically teflon. But check with your slide-out manufacturer first, because, as has been noted, some mechanisms are designed to NOT USE lubrication - it can gum up the works, attract dirt and just be a nuisance. It seems counter to sense, but that's the way it is.

    Exactly what my previous slide instructions said. Slide to be dry, using a lubricant will attract dirt, damage slide and void the warranty.

    Schwintec is gear only NO rails.
  • Yeah, that WD-40 product is basically teflon. But check with your slide-out manufacturer first, because, as has been noted, some mechanisms are designed to NOT USE lubrication - it can gum up the works, attract dirt and just be a nuisance. It seems counter to sense, but that's the way it is.
  • This is what I use, and it can be gotten from most any major department store instead of having to hunt around for a camping/RV store...

  • Find out who makes your slide out and go with what the recommend. General slide lube is not for all slides.

    In fact some slides say NO lube.

    Schwintec has only ONE lube approved and that's for the gears only and highly sparingly . Be cautious when it comes to slides, you could destroy them lubing them.

    One of our previous slides, lube was a BIG no no.
  • Attended the annual Winnebago rally the summer and asked this question to their maintenance trainer. He said their slide rails are engineered to work without lube and recommended against it. He also suggested that you should use a good wax on the sides of the slides to reduce friction when deploying or bringing in a slide.