When it comes to slide outs, they work great until they get old. How old? The earliest ones were big trouble, but they have come a long way over the years. Still, I think most advocates of slide outs are people who sell their rigs before any trouble begins.
If buying a used rig, I would value input from slide out owners of rigs between 15 and 25 years old. If you are buying a rig with a slide out that is a model year 2000 and plan to keep it 10 years, then you will be one of those people.
Our rig has no slide out for many reasons we considered. One being because we plan to own our rig until I can not safely drive any longer. That would place our rig around 35 years old.
RV daytrader wrote:
I really dont get why folks like slides so much. Do you guys need more floor space to dance or something?? Cause extra floor space is really all you get!
And I agree with you. Open floor space and couch bed conversions are the only reasons to get a slide out. But my list to avoid slide outs is so much longer.