Mark, I believe our pocket doors are similar or the same. From what I can tell the door is suspended by a double roller hangers that have tension between the two rollers to fit in to the double track hanger guide.
I am thinking that your rear hanger has broken... So two challenges... how to get access to replace and where to get a new hanger...
Think I would give Newmar a call... RE access and replacement part.
In looking at mine..the hanger is held in place with screws... If the hanger were to allowed to be lowered slightly it might be possible to gain access and compress the spread of the two rollers of the front support roller. I am thinking that there is enough clearance that once the door is no longer suspended to extract the door by either moving the door forward or to the rear to clear the less than an inch recess with the door fully closed. Then you would be able to have access to the rear hanger roller.