Forum Discussion

2bzy2c's avatar
Explorer II
Jul 24, 2015

So Cal gas prices starting to fall

After what seemed like an overnight gas price jump of almost .80 cents a gallon a few weeks ago, seems gas prices are starting to back down.

Just paid $3.85 at Costco.

Up like a rocket, down like a feather.
  • Seems when the gas prices spike, the politicians get up in arms, have a hearing, then the prices drop. They forget about it, then it happens all over again. Its seems to be a 4-5 month cycle.
  • LA Area Refineries

    Chevron...El Segundo
    ExxonMobil....Torrance (off line...explosion---supplies 1/5 of CA gasoline)
    Phillips 66...Wilmington

    Plus some smaller independent

    CA blended fuel is also produced elsewhere.
    "Refineries Outside of California That Can Produce California Gasoline"

    Domestic sources include refineries located in Washington State and the US Gulf Coast. Foreign sources include Eastern Canada, Finland, Germany, US Virgin Islands, Middle East, and Asia.

    CA also has 10 to 12 cents a gallon for the state's cap-and-trade market that was instituted to help combat global warming.

    Location of refineries has nothing to do with fuel pricing
    Grew up in Casper WY.
    Had 3 refineries in town.

    Fuel was always higher in Casper than other places
  • The LA Times featured an article the other posting the local refineries record profits, I wonder if the lower adjustment is meant to reduce some of the public backlash.
  • I could never figure out fuel prices in California.
    All the refineries are in San Francisco area, while Los Angeles are is getting fuel pumped via big pipes.
    Yet Los Angeles fuel prices are historically always lower than those in Bay Area.
    Same with Las Vegas, with lower prices on fuel delivered from San Francisco.
    That said, I filled up diesel last Sunday on I-5 for $2.45
    Same fuel close to refinery cost 30-40 cents more.
  • Yup, this week gas went down $0.08 (that is 8 cents a gallon) WOW.
    California (we) did it to ourselves. The State and all the feel good do-gooder voters passed a fuel bill which requires Calif to have a special blend of gas for summer and winter. Since we have so many drivers everyone thought the rest of the country would follow. GUESS WHAT, nobody followed. So gas from other states cannot be imported into Ca for sale. We can only use our gas refined in the state and two of the plants are down (seems to happen every year). Add to that about 80 cents a gallon in various taxes and you get prices hovering about $4 a gallon while the rest of the country is at about $2+.
    We are about it do it again with an in state Carbon Tax, and an in state $15 minimum wage. If the guy at the gas station is paid more (of course he/she/it deserves more) the price for product will increase. An in today's paper Calif has the second worst roads in the Nation (OMG who's first) so the legislature wants the increase the gas tax to fix the highways (the present money from the gas tax was diverted to the general fund years ago). But I like the weather.
  • That's still a dollar more than we're paying here in the phoenix area. California and their "designer gas"...