Prepilot, "480W just for the fridge...that's something to make note of for sure. "
I added that much when I knew I needed more because the panels were cheap and those sizes filled the rest of my available area. During most solar installs I'd always lean towards more. Sure, some will argue that it's a waste but I've never ever heard anyone say they bought too much and often hear people say they are impressed with solar and want more.
It's also common for people to later go to bigger systems and need new components which is a big waste. Luckily I used Bogart controllers so the two pwm's do well together and the trimetric. If I had ever known that my system would end up this large I'd have bought mppt. Pwm does fine but I could be getting a little more.
My fridge uses about 75 AH per day. My original 520 bank could hit 30 amps but it's not like 30x2.5 hours and the batteries are full. It won't work that way.