There is a perennial arguement for and against short vs longer Class C's, as well as the need for towing a get-around vehicle for occasional trips into town, etc. The actual "need" for two bathrooms in a class C is very questionable IMHO. A short class C (22-25 feet)may be fine for a couple if you can put up with very limited cargo and cabinet space and don't mind bags and boxes of stuff in the overhead, shower stall, and in the aisle way. We settled on a 27 foot bumper to bumper rig with rear bedroom and RV queen sized bed.The dinette makes into a small bed for one kid and the overhead is a large bed for one or two kids or one adult. Climbing up and down a ladder and not disturbing a sleeping partner in the dark is not easy or fun after a while. Nor is making a dinette into a bed and back again into a dinette. Balance the cost and effort of towing a vehicle against 5 minutes effort to secure stuff in your rig and unhook electrical and water at an RV park to make an occasional trip into town.
There are options to rent a car at your destination or take shuttle bus into cities where RV's are not welcome/parkable. Of course you can leave your toad at home or tow it depending on "need".