Rwake901 wrote:
C.B. wrote:
Here's a new one to check out.
This place has a 34 foot minimum length requirement. I've never heard of that before. I guess if your under that your money is no good! :?
I presume they are marketing to a particular crowd (high end). In addition to the length, they probably have a 10yr age limit. We've come across a few places that seriously go after the high end market (we didn't stay).
While some people will get thier nose out of joint about the fairness, the hard fact is the people drawn to this style park, don't want to be parked next to a 20yr old pop up. You can debate if that is right or wrong but letting that 20yr oild pop up in will cost the park more money than keeping them out when it chases buisness to other parks.
If that's not the crowd for you, don't go. If they've made a mistake, the policy will change or they will go out of buisness.