cgmartine, I agree fully that storing a tire out of the suns rays slows the aging process of tires. What I think is, that it is wrong to advise people to use their sleeping space as tire storage. Many people do not buy a new tire for a spare but designate one of the better tires that they take off when replacing the running tires. I know for me the only time I have a new tire as spare is when buying a new vehicle. Since a person has no control over what others do then it is bad form to publicly advise people to do unsafe things. You know that if the under-bed space is the designated tire storage in a unit, then somewhere, sometime, someone is going to store a 10 year old tire there with the steel belts showing. I would not want my kids sleeping over that. That said though I sure think that each person has the right to choose where and what he stores under his bed.