Forum Discussion

ontheroadbob's avatar
Apr 18, 2014

spare tire

Wondering what do most people do about a spare tire on a motorhome?
I have been told that I have 3 different wheels on my 37 foot
Bounder. Do they carry a tire to have mounted? Do they have mobile tire service or do they have the vehicle towed? Planning a cross country trip this summer and I am concerned about possible tire problems.Please let me know how others handle this.
  • If you have three different sizes, I suspect that you also have at least three different date codes.

    Making a big, long trip, you definitely want a good set of tires.....guessing they are ok is just taking a big chance.

    I think if it was me, I would purchase a complete new set and if you have sufficient storage, keep the best tire (of the same size as the new ones) for a spare.

    Most large MH's don't have spares due to the fact that the average person is not physically able to handle not only the weight of the tire/wheel, but also the capability to remove the lug nuts or to torque them down to 450 ftlbs.

    I would bet that 95% of large mh owners just have an emergency roadside assistance insurance (Good Sam, Coach Net, etc) and just have them bring a new tire (at your expense) to you when you have a blow out.

    In addition to having good tires, a TPMS is almost a necessity.

    Good luck

  • aeejbe wrote:
    Three DIFFERENT wheels on your Bounder? Why? & Where? ... If you don't mind sharing.

  • Three DIFFERENT wheels on your Bounder? Why? & Where? ... If you don't mind sharing.
  • This would be a good time to write down the tire sizes and DOT date code. With 3 sizes I wouldn't bother with spares. Best to just have good tires and that includes ones with a date in the 5-10 year range.

    Do a search as there is a active thread on this topic.
  • I carry an unmounted spare tire and have a Coachnet contract so they can send out a truck to install.