Forum Discussion

larrylu62's avatar
Jul 21, 2014

Speedometer gauge is off

2004 Monaco Diplomat has a couple of Dash gauge issues. The first is the speedometer. If I set the cruise on 60, I am actually going about 66. At 65 reading, it is 72 actual. At 55 it is 60 actual. I checked these speeds on level highways with my GPS.

The other issue is the low fuel light never goes off. The fuel gauge, however, seems to be reasonably correct. The wiring for the light comes from the CF0042 distribution module. If I could find that module, I could just pull that wire. As long as the gauge is working I really don't need that light.

If anyone out there knows anything about either of these issues, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you
Henderson, Ky
  • I assume you might have the wrong tire size than origionally installed by the Manufacturer and the Fuel gauge might have been replaced to.
  • I have the same problem in my 08 Fiesta, the speed is about 5 mph slower than the GPS and this was confirmed by the roadside speed checks that they do here in Colorado.
  • the speedometer on my highlander reads about 5% fast but I always set my cruise control based on my GPS reading anyway.
  • robatthelake, Thanks for the input. You're probably right about the light. I just wouldn't want to spend big bucks for a small problem.
  • The Speedometer/Odometer is likely able to be reprogrammed. The Tires may be a slightly larger size than originally installed.
    Sounds like Your Fuel guage sender unit has malfunctioned ! I don't think cutting a wire is the solution to the problem.