Fire Up: I have always been anal about air leaks. When I started driving long haul part time I was amazed at how many trucks would leak down to almost 65 lbs. overnight. These were all late model trucks. The maintenance guys would give me a strange look when I complained. The answer I would get is that some vehicles can hold air for a week and others maybe a day. The DOT requirement for leaks is liberal. Part of the brake test is to shut off the engine, block the wheels and build up air. With park brake off you hold down the brake treadle for a minute. For a bus you can lose 3 psi in a minute. So in 40 minutes you would be out of air. Keep in mind this only tests the brake system. There are lots of other places where leaks occur: leveling valves, air suspension and even lines to the air horn. As you stated finding the air leaks is a daunting task.