Forum Discussion

Ready-to-go's avatar
Apr 12, 2016

Sprinter 2500 vs 3500

The new Sprinter 2500 Sprinter has Crosswind Assist added for safety. Has anyone experienced it?
And secondly, through experience, is it better or worse than driving the 3500 Sprinter?
Keeping it simple- If you had both in the exact same wind, with wind gusts and wind shears from other vehicles, which would be more stable and handle better.
Last your my PW Plateau TS was a nightmare going through the west and I'm wondering if the smaller wheelbase with crosswind Assist would work better.
  • Ready-to-go wrote:
    Last your my PW Plateau TS was a nightmare going through the west and I'm wondering if the smaller wheelbase with crosswind Assist would work better.
    Not our experience at all with our Leisure Travel Free Spirit on the same Sprinter 2500 chassis and with a very similar conversion. We have driven all over the North American continent and crosswind wind issues have never been a factor.

    Maybe our experience differs in that our LTV has the optional Firestone Ride Rite air suspension in the rear. I also keep our tires inflated to the LTV suggested 65/80 front/rear.
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  • I,m curious what they could do to help with wind? we have a small C on a sprinter 3500 chassis and don,t have a problem.