Jul 12, 2015Explorer
Sprinter T1N1:Check Engine Light
Got low on diesel fuel--down to about 2 gallons. Started Sprinter few days ago, got STEADY yellow engine ikon ie check engine(ECU). Boogied down to service station and filled up. Still light on. Stopped and started it 4 times and after a short drive into town and back and restart, light extinguished. My conclusion was scan fault 190 (from list I read on net) which is basically a fault recorded from the rail diesel pressure sensor. AM I correct in that as the manual says, if the fuel in tank is low you can get this and to do what I did or otherwise see your dealer. Comments? Normally I keep tank at least half full. I do know that if the yellow ikon is FLASHING, then that could mean engine problems and not to drive it far, if at all.