Forum Discussion

derouen6's avatar
Sep 01, 2016

State weigh stations.

We are leaving Sunday for a month long trip to Yellowstone and the Tetons.
The Mh will probably never be more loaded than it is now.. Would like to get weighed at a state line weight station. I know not to stop if they are busy. Will they weigh the MH?
Any etiquette I should know?

  • I worked mobile scales as a trooper (NYSP) and we would never have refused to weigh an RV.
  • Sherry you asked a very good question! Being a retired over the road truckdriver, I can tell you from my experience any State weigh scales that I was on when working the weigh masters only wanted commercial vehicles going over there scales.
  • I've used a state weigh station in Idaho on I-84 collocated with a rest stop. I asked the people in the scale house about running across the scales. They were very courteous, asked me to wait for an opening between the commercial traffic, and allowed me through with no adverse comments whatsoever.
  • The weigh stations really, really frown on RVs coming through when they're open. I'd suggest a truck stop.
  • We normally weigh at a commercial location. The state weigh stations just seem so convenient , I did not know they were free.
  • Got to ask, why so heavily loaded? There are plenty of stores and places to buy necessities without packing every nook and cranny. We took a six week trip to the northeast last fall, planning for about 7 days before needing to stop for supplies. Just a thought.
    Have a safe trip.
  • derouen6 wrote:
    We are leaving Sunday for a month long trip to Yellowstone and the Tetons.
    The Mh will probably never be more loaded than it is now.. Would like to get weighed at a state line weight station. I know not to stop if they are busy. Will they weigh the MH?
    Any etiquette I should know?


    I would just pay at a truck stop and get weighed and print out to keep in your coach. Worth the small fee and you can pick up a Y'oohoo chocolate drink at the same time!!!
  • They typically close the weight station after about midnight, and open it around 6 am. If the station says closed, but does not say "DO NOT ENTER" you can stop and see what the weight is.

    In Oregon, there are many weigh stations that are turned on all the time, and if there is not a truck there, I can check the weight of whatever it is that I am driving.

    Good luck,

  • I would try to find one that is closed. Usually you can see the readout through the window.