Hi All.
Are you sure you have everything lined up correctly on your "Steer-Safe", Joe, I don't mean you any disrespect, but there have been a couple of times here on this Fourm, that the installer (Owner) really didn't do the install correctly.
I did our install of our "Steer-Safe", and its the differance betweeen night and day. As soon as I finished, I took it straight down and have the Front End Aligment done correctly. Also, I know that we don't have any Front End Parts, that are worn or lose. We even just had all new tires installed also.
I also replaced the OEM "Steering Stabilizer Shock", and all the rest of the OEM Shocks while I was at it. Our Motorhome is now a pleasure to drive, and no more worries about "Wondering" or "Passing Semis". Ours Steers and Handles very easily with just one hand now. That alone sure make for a much more comfortable drive and ride.
I also have the "5000lb Air-Lift", Air Bags on all four corners. Something just doesn't sound right on your Steer-Safe Install, or maybe you have other issues with your front end, or something else that your not aware of. I agree, that I don't think that "Longer Eye Bolts" is going to do anything for you, as longer would add to your problems.
Hope you find your problem as soon as you can. That "Steer-Safe" really is a good prouduct. Are you sure you have the Correct "Steer-Safe" Set, ?
Good Luck. Happy Travels. Dan & Jill