I installed the Steer Safe on one coach that I had. When installing it, you loosen the "eye" bolts as much as possible, and then pull the assembly as far form the wheel as possible. This puts some tension on the springs when you tighten the brackets. After the bracket is tightened, you then can tighten the "eye" bolts to put further tension on the springs.
Prior to installing the SteerSafe, I drove down the highway and put a mark on the steering wheel that showed where the wheel was pointed when going straight.
Once I got the SteerSafe installed, I used my levelers to lift the front end off of the ground. The wheel immediately swung to close to center. I then adjusted the SteerSafe springs to where the mark on my steering wheel lined up with my previous "center" mark. That was the one and only adjustment I made to my SteerSafe and during the few years, and thousands of miles that I used it, I never needed to make another adjustment.
It is a good product and will definitely improve your comfort while going down the highway. You will not have to fight the steering wheel to keep things centered when it is adjusted right.