bobndot wrote:
It was money well spent.
...You would really appreciate that well spent money in the event of an emergency avoidance maneuver...
You hit on an excellent point of which I have a story to support it.
The first year out with all the upgraded suspension equipment, we were leaving Yosemite National Park out from the north/east where you slalom down that steep grade for many miles. Already in a low gear, in an effort to avoid over-heating the brakes, I would let up on the brakes early in the turn, and roll on the straights, slowing down as I approach the next turn. I misjudged one turn approached way too fast. My braking continued through all of the turn, the cabinet doors flying open, stuff on the floor, G-forces way too much.
Our tow at the time did not have tow brakes. It was a little Toyota MR2 Spyder that was a border-line case for a tow brake requirement. That made matters worse yet.
I truly believe we would have died if not for the suspension upgrades which kept all wheels firmly planted on the road for braking performance as well as maintaining control of the rig while the tow vehicle pushed hard from behind.