A posting about Contact Cement.
This info refers to the DAP brand of Weldwood Contact Cement.
I went to buy another quart of contact cement at the local Ace Hardware store and they only had the "Original" formula not the "Nonflammable" formula which I had been using.
Nonflammable on the left in the following three pictures.

The first quart of contact cement I had been using came from someone who no longer needed it so I hadn't paid any real attention before to the formulations. It just worked. Once I got to looking at the new quart it's obvious from just the lids that there's some important differences.

Color, consistency and amount of fumes is also different.

The Nonflammable formula is as thin as water while the original is thicker. Original formula puts off a lot more vapors.
On both cans it reads that they work on foam so I went ahead and used the new original formula can.
I'm gluing fabric to the foam backed fiberboard (will have a separate post on this).
You can see what happened below.

The original formula is causing the foam to dissolve.
Have you seen how Alien blood goes through the floor of the spaceship Nostromo? Something like that.
The previous picture is from last night while still wet.
This is what it looks like today after drying.

So Lesson Learned is to keep the Original formula away from extruded foam. Only use the Nonflammable formula when gluing to foam. Went to Lowe's this morning for a new can of the Nonflammable formula.
I will be using the can of Original formula when it comes time to laminate van furniture so it won't go to waste.
Ace Hardware: Weldwood Original Formula Contact Cement - Qt - 12.99
Lowes: Weldwood Nonflammable Formula Contact Cement - Qt - 13.98
In case you're wondering how I used up the first quart so fast I have some advice.
Don't rest your can of contact cement on the piece you're working on. If you shift the piece the can might spill. Or worse yet, take a dive onto the floor. Yep, I knocked the whole can onto the floor where it landed, upside down of course. :S
On the bright side it was half empty. On the non-bright side it was half full. Take your pick