1.) Yes, I used that process (eraser wheel) to remove the goo around one of the vents. I had used it prior to redo all the graphics on my ‘96 Suncruiser. Very familiar with the process.
It seemed to work fine here, too. A bit hard on the hands is all. But, then I noticed that a small spot of the roof seemed to have wrinkled, as if the heat had loosed the adhesive on some sort of fabric? I finished, being sure not to abrade any one section very long.
So, if there is a roof covering of some sort I need to be mindful of, I’d like to have that verified before I go any further.
2.) I may run to Home Depot and get some Caulk-Be-Gone. Worth a shot. Seems less dangerous than stuff with a Xylene or Acetone base. I have a lot of both, but was afraid of damaging the roof integrity.