Lipets wrote:
We have good bikes that we don't want to mount on any outside rack brackets.
Anyone make a mount to go on a slide type tray in one of the basement storage bins?
Or anyone build something where the front wheel is removed and the frame is clamped into something??
Last coach I made a rack for a luggage bay by using home made bolt downs similar to those used on a rooftop car rack. Back tires fit into a notch on the "wall" covered with matching carper and the bolt-downs fit over the handlebars. The front tires were removed and the bikes (Cannondale trail bikes) inverted and tightened down. 30 seconds in or out. The front wheels slipped into a home made box carpeted to match the luggage bay.
This coach has all roll out trays so I simply lay the bikes in a tray and put furniture moving pads in between them. Front wheels are still removed and tucked into the pads.