Forum Discussion

ginagary's avatar
Mar 13, 2015

Storing with hydraulics jacks up or down?

We have a 2007 Winnebago Jounrey. We store our DP in a barn with cement floors. Is it better to store it with the hydraulic jacks up or down?
Thank you
  • I store our Southwind with the jacks retracted. It's parked on a gravel pad.
  • We travel in the Winter and have had our jacks frozen to the ground many times. All I have ever had to do is to rock the coach with the manual level control a couple of times and they always break free. They do retract a little slower in cold weather tho.
    I am guessing that full timers leave their jacks down all of the time when they are not on the highway, without any problems. I leave mine down when we are not traveling.
  • I always used to store with the coach level, but as Effy posted above, I've had to springs where I was ready to hit the road before my jacks were ready to not be frozen to the ground. Both times 5 gallons of hot water got them free... but still.

    Now I just leave the jacks retracted.
  • Effy's avatar
    Explorer II
    I always store mine up. Then I read on here a lot of folks tell you to store them down. I did. And when it was cold and I went to leave for a trip they didn't want to go up. I had one that was stuck. I had to let it run for almost a half an hour to warm it up enough to retract the jack. Scared me. So no more. I always store up. Never understood the logic to leave them down and exposed anyway.
  • I store my coach with the jacks up but I put 4x4's under the feet of the jacks so that when the air bags lose air and the coach settles, it settles on the 4x4's and it keeps the pressure off the tires and suspension.
  • Also every 2-3 weeks spray some oil on the exposed pistons to protect them from the elements. Remember to put something between the tires and concrete.
  • I have read in several places it is best to store with the jacks down and taking pressure off the tires and suspension.