I have seen several Monaco coaches but in the longer version with stress cracks. On the shorter 38' HR which this gentleman owns I had never seen or heard of stress cracks. To get a crack on a shorter coach like that either there is something broken on the framing of the superstructure of the coach or somebody put this coach through a road that had one real sharp incline to create a twist on the frame and cause the fiberglass to crack.
While staying at BayLanding in South Carolina a saw a National coach break a windshield and something must have broken to cause such stress. The whole front end cap broke where half of it was like one inch higher then other side. I also saw a American Tradition long coach with cracked windshield.
Monaco has changed so many times in ownership I do not even know what frames or chassis they use. But longer coaches are susceptible to stress cracks on the fiberglass because of the length.