jorbill2or wrote:
The reason you have Coach net is that they will send out a commercial heavy truck towing company, with a large semi truck tow rig , that is familiar with how to handle a large rig like yours not "Joe's corner towing "
certainly there have been a few disaster stories but for the most part you should expect nothing less . As already stated if there's access , winching you out from behind using the frame/hitch is probably what they will do. I doubt any towing will be involved .
Got stuck in a campground in Eldorado, MO. When I pulled in the owner said I would have no problem, so I asked him if he'd pull me out if I got stuck. He said, "sure". They tried to pull me put with a two wheel drive tractor, no go. Then they got a wrecker on a 550 Ford chassis with a winch. They both hooked up to the rear frame. The Ford 550 walked me right out of there. He stayed up on the graveled section and put his braces down. The campground owner paid him $350. The wrecker operator said he had a wrecker on a Peterbuilt frame, but he charged $1000 just to take that out the door. Anyway, I have Good Sam Emergency Assist but didn't have to use it that time.