dshinnick wrote:
We were on our way to our spot at the TripleTree Aerodrome in Woodruff, South Carolina for a week of R/C model aircraft flying. It had been raining quite a bit, and the ground wasn't as firm as we thought, and we're stuck in the mud. We're level, and spent an uneventful night dry camping, but we're ready to get out of here. We have a 2005 Holiday Rambler 40' DP. We're going to call Coach-Net, our emergency service provider, but I've heard horror stories of the tow guys who get sent out hooking up the coach wrong and causing significant damage. Can I get some advice from folks who have been in a similar situation? dave
A couple years ago, I drove onto a rain-soaked grass field in rural Alabama and promptly got stuck in the mud. Then I made things worse by spinning my rear wheels and digging myself into a trench. The good news is that in that area of the country, you don't have to wait long for a passing tractor. As others have suggested, he hooked a chain up to the tow receiver and pulled me out backwards. I helped by putting the motorhome in reverse and gently assisting in the movement, and by steering the front wheels to keep the motorhome in-line with the direction of the pull. Easy-peasy lemon-squeezy.
Sounds like you had the same experience so I'm glad it worked out for you.