we were beginning to have extensive electrical problems with our class c resulting in our looking at a class a which we deemed necessary to do a cross-country trip and another winter in yuma (full-timers). unfortunately, our choice of a class a was not a good one. we didn't make it to twin falls ID (from boise) before it was needing something. by the time we managed to make it back to kingman AZ (never mind the cross-country--made it as far as indiana) we were beginning to have some major problems which stranded us over the hill from laughlin NV. it was towed back to bullhead city AZ. spent just over a week there; didn't make it over the hill towards hwy 95 before it was throwing steam and coolant everywhere. lots of coolant later, limped into las vegas (NOT my favorite place to be stranded!!) where diagnosis is radiator shot. the sensor we installed in bullhead city also has to be replaced. we've now gone into multiple thousands of dollars and sitting in a cheapo RV park waiting on parts. guess we got lucky where it eventually gasped it's last bit of coolant; could have been worse, but this has been a major groaner.