I have taken it fully apart and cleaned everything, I made sure all connections where fully connected and that all wires where in working order and that all intake and output vents where free of anything, the sail switch works just fine also, I tested it, when I checked the wiring, it was a bit dusty but i cleaned it off.
And Doug I know it is lighting because I have the main from panel off of it that is held on by just two screws, and just above where the igniter is mounted in is a viewing window, I have watched the flames light three times and then the fourth time nothing, it runs until it reaches the temp the thermostat is set too, then it turns off and when it gets cold enough it turns back on, like it is suppose too but that fourth time nothing.
I will try hitting the elbow where the gas goes into the furnace before the valve a few times to see if it lights a fourth time, I will do this a few different times and get back with you about the outcome.
If it is the valve is there a way to service the valve to make it work? I`m strapped for cash at the moment.