camperdave wrote:
rgatijnet1 wrote:
Anything over $10,000 must be reported.
When I was buying, I was told that anything over $10k must be reported by the bank, so I went in over the course of several days and withdrew $9k each time. I dunno if that helps or makes me look even more suspicious lol. But no feds have shown up yet so...
All very true. Also, no bank manager isn't going to sneak something by for anyone. That would be prison time kind of stuff and it would be silly because it doesn't matter anyhow.
I wouldn't be concerned about large deposits. I discussed this very thing with a bank manager and he said large deposits are done many thousands of times a day and the IRS just doesn't have the time or desire to even begin to check them all out. That plus the vast majority are legit so there's just no incentive for them to research it either.