If money is no object, and you want to buy new instead of used, there are a few brands that are considered "the best" but you might have to pay many thousands more to get a more leak proof housebox that is somewhat sturdier and that was put together with better materials, fastners and quality controls and better after-sale dealer warranty fixes of minor factory goofs. It will pay you to take your time and get to know the various popular brands and features and amenities available in different lengths, and models, with or without slides. Finding an honest dealer who does quick and satisfactory warranty fixes is important. The various brands mostly use the same Ford or Chevy chassis and the same brands of appliances, generators, plumbing fixtures etc are used in all Class C's. You will need to buy at least a 27 foot rig to get a decent rear bedroom with an RV queen size bed and adquate storage. Somewhat longer rigs can have rear beds with access on both sides and somewhat larger restrooms/shower enclosures.
You may find that a popular brand, medium priced rig will satisfy most of your forseeable needs and desires. Don't buy too big/long or too small/short. Don't buy on impulse.