Forum Discussion

Famboy's avatar
Jul 18, 2013

Sunseeker Owners Manual

I have recently purchased a 2003 Sunseeker 3100 LE...and the owner's manual that comes with it is so generic it could be for anything. Is there an actual owner's manual specific to this model? Am I not looking in the right place? Is there a free download?...a free online site to view it? If there is a cost, what are they worth if there is in fact one available? 'peciate any help I can get. Seems any site I go to advertising manuals wants financial info and/or to download info bars and othe******first. For instance, what's the red rocker switch beside the battery disconnect do near the door? Hot water? Then what's the heater switch do next to the levels indicator by the stove? Not mentioning the on/off switch on the actual heater outside. Very frustrated Help is appreciated.
  • The red rocker switch near the battery disconnect switch/key is the orange outside awning/bug light.

    And that's all I know about my RV since I just got it yesterday. :)
  • Thanx for all the info everybody. Handbasket, there are books specific to all the appliances, genrator, toilet etc..., none specifically for the biggest item namely the rv. Sorry you see my questions = complaints. Tatest, the manual is "Forest River Recreational Vehicle Owner's Manual -- Motorized" It is a general glom of Forest River vehicles, not pertaining to the 2003 E450 Sunseeker 3100SS LE in particular only generalizations. MACaroni, the one switfh clearly marked is the Arctic package switch...and that's it. Thanks for your input everybody. Incidentally, I actually had the vehicle weighed tonight. Adding front/back axle weight gave me 5900kg wth 3/4 tank of fuel and general stuff like bedding, dishes and the like.
  • I had a 2003 2900. If I remember correctly, that unit had the "Arctic" package (heated tanks). There was a red rocker switch that controlled that option.
  • If Forest River supplied a generic owner's manual, that's as good as it gets. If they had written model specific manuals, they wouldn't be giving you a generic one.

    Is it a Sunseeker manual, or generic RV manual? Winnebago supplies model line manuals, most information general, with model specific information where needed. Even the manuals for my cars have been at the model line level, i.e. it is for Accord, not for LX, or SE, EX, EX-L, EX-L Nav or sedan vs coupe specifically.
    • H07's avatar

      How do I get a manual for my 2003 sunseeker 2900

      • way2roll's avatar
        Navigator II

        You might have better luck posting a new topic than responding to an 11 year old comment.


  • There were owner's manuals for each item of installed equipment (generator, stove, furnace, etc) included in the literature packets I got with each of my 3 RV's. 2 were used one-owners, 1 was bought new. These went all the way down to the LP and CO detectors. If you don't have these, you can often get them either on-line or mailed from the mfg'rs website by supplying the model #.

    But yes, postings complaining about generic, uninformative overall owner's manuals are pretty common here. You've likely got what was standard for the model.

    Jim, "Mo' coffee!"
  • So far we have had 5 different rigs,different brands,too. All owners manuals are so generic that one told us "the water low point drain can be found in varius locations depending on model" Never could find that drain in ours.

    Best info can be found on this forum from other owners!
  • What you have is probably as good as it gets. Many others I am sure will say the same. :(