topher80 wrote:
So we were suppsed to pick up our Neptune tonight, but didn't becuase o a transfer case issus with big deal so while we were getting our orientation one of the eletrical guys suggested that it is not uncommon to purchase a surge protector.
Sound logical until he told me that the cost around $400.
Does it ever end or is it like a "boat".....which stands for "break out another thousand."
Anyone buy a surge protector? Makes sense, but $400....REALL?
Well, it is much like the "break out another", but it doesn't have to be a thousand. Some of us are on a hard cider income. And if you just want surge protection, by can get the Progressive Industries Smart Surge 50 Amp SSP-50 for right at about $100. It protects you from surge and additionally, the dual line circuit tester checks for: Reverse Polarity, Open Neutral and Open Ground prior to use. It does have a lifetime warranty from a company with excellent customer relations. Here is a breakdown of other products out there and how there compare with each other: while we are on the 'break out another" topic, if you have a propane fridge, you might want to consider a
SS-30 automatic halon fire extingusher for the LP fridge compartment. I'm finally getting around to buying one before they go up more in price.