Your home is worth far more than the damage that might happen from a surge suppressor, so the analogy doesn't work very well (at least for me).
The greatest issue is an open neutral on a 50 amp service causing one "leg" to be much higher voltage. That can be checked before you plug in. For 30 amp service it is extremely easy to check the voltage. It is prudent to do these checks even if you own the best EMS available. If you do, then it obviates much of the need for having such a unit in the first place.
The low voltage "protection" currently available is about 103 volts--far to low for my comfort. Anything below 109 and my air conditioner gets turned off. They won't protect from a direct lightening strike, or from a serious power surge.
If I had a 50 amp service I'd consider an EMS. On 30 amp there is little need and an autoformer or variac would be better for my money.
rockhillmanor wrote:
I've lived in my house for over 20 years. Haven't had a fire or hit by a tornado......I still carry house insurance.