Mr.Mark wrote:
Holstein13, Prevost coaches have a manual lever to raise the tag. On our coach, an icon illuminates in the instrument cluster (picture of tires raised) to let us know it's up.
I'll have to verify, but I think the tag stays up until we push the lever back to lower the tag axle.
I'm going to guess that the light is a reminder so that when you slow down the tag doesn't go back up. I'd be very, very surprised if you could operate your coach with the weight on the rear axle only at highway speeds. I don't think it would pass the regulations.
On Edit: On further thought, you may be right. Since the Prevost actually lifts the tire off the ground, it could be dangerous to lower it while moving. That's probably why they have the alarm (to remind you to stop and put the tag down). My tag doesn't actually lift, it just releases the air pressure and automatically adds it back when I reach a certain speed.