The worst thing is people let their MH sit for months. Corrosion starts and that's what eats up low hour engines. I have run Cummins and CAT engines about 600,000 between Overhaul and the reason was it was cheaper to do a major at that mileage than a complete new engine at 1 million.On a 40 ft I'd run 350 HP in line CAT or Cummins. A 3406E CAT is a stong engine. New engines run about 3X an so we just traded in at 400-450K because Cat had a 500K warranty and we let someone else do the work. Also, at around 450K door piano hinges, hood rivets and wear items start giving way. It just comes down to how much you want to invest and what your return is on anything.Tag axles are useless in snow or when it's slick. They do add stability, ran them in the 70s but they tend to bounce around and wear tires more rapidly. If you run pretty hard, say 25K a year the tires still would last 10 yr or more. Our Michelin truck tires go 100,000 mi. Agree with Kayteg, balanced everything makes a longer lasting engine. You need to pull the dynamic balancer and redo it even.