There are three that I know of in our storage yard right now. One right next to us., a small TT. It has mold on it and damaged aluminum siding that obviously leaks as it is fixed with duct tape. Been like that for years - however they use it occasionally. I know it has leaks because you can smell the mildew.
Another pulled in the beginning of 2014 with damage to the driver side (TT) around the wheel and the dining room window was busted out. They never bothered to tape it up. It is just sitting there collecting rain ( snow now) and whatever birds need a nice bird house.
There is a nice older Fleetwood Providence that hasn't moved in 5 years with mold growing off it, slide covers all ripped apart, and white streaks running off the roof and down the sides.
Yep, makes you wonder - most probably have a story - mostly sad.