crasster wrote:
Yes it boggles the mind. I witnessed a nearly 80 year old man buy a new DP and he parked it.... Sat... Sat.... and Sat.
Well it sat for 5 years. I guess he got scared on the drive home. ? Don't know the outcome of the DP, but it was kind of sad to see it waste away.... I would have gladly put it t use for him.
I was driving from Tennessee into North Carolina on I-40. As we approached "the gorge" through the Cherokee National Forest a new looking DP entered the interstate in front of me. As the road started to twist up and down the DP slowed to a crawl and was all over the road. The semi-trucks are required to stay in the right name through there which sucks for them. I passed the DP in my old rig pulling the toad. I looked over and there was a little, really old man driving that thing. He had that look on his face and was white knuckling the steering wheel. I knew he was praying, Lord get me out of these mountains and I'll never drive this thing again.
I hope that rig isn't just rotting someplace.