..... He looked frazzled. Anyway, this motorhome was a sweet, great looking Monaco. It's now been sitting in the same spot since that day. The tires are mostly flat, the green mold and mildew is growingon it........It's getting to the point where it may not be saveable.
Not necessarily.
I just bought a house here in Florida for my winter home.
My MH is parked right out front.
I am here to tell you that that black and green mold and mildew starts right up on your MH within the first month!. I was shocked how quickly that stuff can cover your MH when it's parked. :(
I've stayed in CG's for over a month and it didn't happen. I guess it matters where you are parked? By trees etc? Or that the ac or heat is not on inside like when you are using it 24/7's?
Good news is that it comes right off with a good power washing. Thank God.