et2 wrote:
93mastercraft wrote:
We have several "outside" storage facilities near our home. We see the same RV's sitting out there baking in the sun and freezing in the winter. I know everyone cannot afford an inside storage facility. But, for god sake store it under a shelter or use a cover. These things will deteriorate so bad and so quick if left under the sun.
To some shelters are not available near there residence or are ridiculously priced to rent. I seen just about every covered RV spending more money than the covers are worth to repair the damage those covers have done.
We have always had ours outside over the last 20 years and never covered them nor stored inside. Keeping them washed and waxed and caulking sealed. Never had any problems keeping them looking great. After all they make these thing to handle the elements.
I once also had previous RV's sitting outside for over 10 years. As of last year My new MH is inside a garage. I am not so sure mine can handle the elements. So, I am not taking any chances.