True Story....I had purchased a 34' fly bridge Bayliner boat that I used for many years. I finally had the urge to sell it and did so in record time. Armed with a fist full of cash and limited brain cells, I decided to look for another boat. Near the launch ramp was a boat storage lot. In cruising the lot, I found another Bayliner, brand new, with no plates, no CF number, nothing...just a new boat sitting on a trailer. I pulled the VIN off the boat and trailer and ran the numbers. It was owned by a local so I called the number and asked him about his boat. He said he purchased the boat "several years ago" because he and some buddies wanted to cruise in the boat parade. He used it that one night and forgot where he had parked it! I asked him if he wanted to sell it and he said make him an offer. I told him I'd give him $2k CASH..:W. I also knew there was almost $2k in storage fees due and told him so. After some dickering, he agreed to sell me the boat for $1k if I'd pay the storage fees. 30 minutes later, I owned a brand new 2 yr old boat! Some folks just have too much money and don't know how to control it's feeding and care....I used that boat for almost 10 years and sold it for a lot more than I paid for it.....Dennis