Forum Discussion

MrChuckles's avatar
May 11, 2013

Thetford Tecma toilet not refilling correctly

Our toilet is acting strange. It flushes correctly when the temperature is above 65 degrees, correctly draining and then refilling the bowl to the programmed level about half way up the flush outlet hole. When the temperature is below 65 degrees the bowl drains correctly with plenty of vacuum, but does not refill the bowl. Some water comes in, but not much. This happens both on city water and on the pump out of the fresh water tank.

I assumed it was low water pressure so I checked the faucets and they flow strong. I'm not sure where to check next. Has anyone else experienced this behavior?
  • Sometimes, calcium build up occurs where the water line connects to the toilet. My first look would be to remove the water line and look and see if there is any calcium/debris restricting the flow of water into the water valve of the toilet. Doug
  • My toilet seems to work okay when you press both buttons to empty the bowl. It clears all water from the bowl. I am suspicious of that switch too. I wonder why it works when warm though. And to make it even weirder, the inside of the coach is almost always above 65 so I'm thinking it must be something exposed to the outside temperature, but don't know what that might be.
  • Mr. Chuckles, I am totally stumped as I have the same toilet and am very curious to what the answer will be.

    I know on 'our' toilets, if you press both electric buttons, it will empty the toilet bowl for travel (which we don't normally do). I'm thinking it has something to do with the switch because your water flow is normal at the sinks/shower.

    I wish you luck and will be looking forward to seeing the diagnosis.
