You will be crowded in the 190P with pooches, unless they are small. Less so in the 210. You can't beat the Chevy van chassis for driving dynamics in that sized van. The Ford way less so.
You might also consider the Pleasureway Chevy class B's also. They feel less crowded inside in their 190P clone the Lexor. The Pleasureway wide body RT 210 competitor is called the Excel, and it's on the Ford chassis.
We had a 2007 Pleasureway Lexor, went to a small class C for 3 years, now we're going back next week to a Sprinter large size class B, the Winnebago ERA. It's 24' long, about 1' shorter than our small C was.
I suggest you guys look at the various Sprinter vans available from all the class B makers. You guys may be happier in the long run with that size.