We have a Pleasure-way Plateau TS(21ft 11ins).New ones are 22ft 9ins,still fine for parking and the Sprinters have a tight turning circle. No significant problems with crosswinds in Sprinter but the Ford/GM based units handle diffently so I am not qualified to comment on them.My C Class Trail-lite with Ford E350 chassis wandered around especially in the wind. Most people on this Net prefer NOT to stay in a motel because of terrible experiences with unhygenic motels with bugs and other problems,often located near noisy freeway interchanges or next door to a train track, happily frequented by freight trains. We would never leave our pooch alone overnight in a parking lot. An RV breakin would be bad enough,and it can happen in un-supervised parking lots,but to have our pooch stolen,hurt or lonely all night would be too much for we pet lovers. We prefer commercial RV Parks where there is a higher probability of security to other locations. But many boondsock WITH their pooches.
2. If you are only going to use the RV occasionally it seems rather expensive and a SUV might be another option. The ROadtrek models ard/features will possibly determine what model you buy ie do you want a self-contained shower/toilet--do you even need that?Or, is a hallway shower ok? There is a wealth of info on this RV.NET B Class blog from all of us who try to help each other and that includes you. We use our PW almost as a second vehicle for day trips in summer and our pooch,Holly,a Coton de Tulear(Princess of Madagascar) approves wholeheartedly. Pets ARE more comfortable in an RV usually because of the greater air mass and fans which can be set to run thermostatically. In sum, getting an RV for the odd trip is,in my view,not at all practical. Finally, you will want to remember that some B Sprinters including Roadtreks,have dualies and that introduces it's own considerations due to the checking of dual tires and extra length and weight of the unit. Your choice in all this.Hope I have been helpful.