My Forest River Class C was a 2015 3051s. Year one it needed the auto leveling system and the air conditioning repaired, which took a month to do, and was about $3000. Year two it needed the fridge replaced, which took two months to do, and cost $4000. Apparently the fridge doesn't fit through the door, so they need to remove a window and take the fridge out through the window to replace it, and labor cost are high. Year three the full body paint on the rear of the coach had bubbled and lifted off the fiberglass, which cost another $3000 to repair. And that doesn't count the minor stuff, like the slide needing realigned about once a year so that it would work, water leaks in the roof around the slide, all of the roof vents cracking and needing replaced, the valve on the LP tank failing, etc, etc, etc. It only had 6000 miles on it when we sold it, but it had needed repairs each and every trip out.