pnichols - I was referring to threads like this one:
Tiger vs. Earthroamer in which various members here dismissed Tigers as they did not have pivot subframes. My Malayan does, but I am not sure that that is really necessary for bad road use. My Tiger has a raised suspension, uprated shocks and Tires, etc., but its off road abilities are still limited by weight and weight distribution. And I would certainly agree about center of gravity. My goal was not to go rock crawling, but rather to survive miles and miles of bad, but passable roads. My background is Africa and South America.
Provan was founded by David Rowe, one of the founders of Four Wheel Campers. He founded Provan in Colorado after leaving Four Wheel and his first Tiger was a cutaway '77 Chevrolet van with a pop-top. (You can see it at Provan today.) He later sold Provan to the present owner, Mark Guild. Dave's son makes pop up campers under the name of Phoenix.