Well Gang,
Here's what I use to remove or, break the 450 lb. torqued lug nuts loose:

That tool, available on ebay, has a 1:75 gear ratio and you can sit on your little stool, and break a 450 lb. lug nut loose with ONE ARM. It's a fantastic tool. But, when it comes time to put them back on and torque them down, I can't use that tool because it's capable of actually breaking off those 3/4" diameter studs. So, I purchased, also off ebay, a 600 lb. torque wrench made by KD tools for, $75.00. It was calibrated prior to my purchasing it so, I know it's correct. The nice thing about having the appropriate torque wrench is, you can "ramp" up to the correct settings and final torque.
After any work, or brake inspections, I first set the wrench to click at about 150. Then, set the wrench to about 250-300 and make another round. Then the final 450 lbs. and make the final round. So, while it cost a couple of bucks for the correct and, very useful tools, it sure is nice to be able to remove any of those wheels and tires at anytime, for any reason and, re-install them to the proper torque.